Antitumor Drug Delivery System: The Progress of Researches on Block Copolymer Micelle and Its Compositive Materials 抗肿瘤给药系统:嵌段共聚物胶束及其组成材料的研究进展
Scaling theory for block copolymer micelle system and its comparisons with mean field theory 嵌段共聚物球形胶束体系的标度理论及其与均匀场理论的对比研究
A quantitative Scaling theory model for block copolymer micelle calculations is developed, and the difference between which and the Mean Field theory ( MFT) is discussed in this paper. 本文建立了用于嵌段共聚物胶束体系定量计算的标度理论模型,讨论了标度理论与均匀场模型的差异。
A model based on scaling theory was developed for the description of the diblock copolymer micelle system. The temperature effects on micelle equilibrium properties were investigated by the Flory Huggins interaction parameter of polymer segment and solvent. 基于标度理论建立了嵌段共聚物溶剂体系的胶束模型,通过Flory-Huggins相互作用参数间接讨论了温度对胶束平衡性质的一般性影响。
Temperature Effects on Block Copolymer Micelle Based on the Scaling Model 球形嵌段共聚物胶束的温度效应
Due to the polar difference of the PCL arms and the PEI inner core, the obtained star copolymer could act as the unimolecular micelle to encapsulate the water-soluble guests. 由于PCL外臂与PEI内核的极性差别,使所得星状聚合物可以作为单分子胶束来包裹水溶性客体分子。
One of the block has the water-soluble character that can promote dissolution and dispersion, the other block can change into hydrophobic with externally environmental conditions change then obtained the all hydrophilic block copolymer micelle. 全亲水嵌段共聚物中的某一嵌段通过外部环境条件的改变转变为疏水性,从而得到全亲水性嵌段聚合物胶束。
In this thesis, computer simulation is applied to study the self-assembly behavior of a variety of block copolymer in solution, and a superstrong segregation regime theory model for block copolymer micelle calculations is developed. 在本文中,我们采用计算机模拟的方法研究了各种嵌段共聚物在溶液中的自组装行为,并发展了一个用于定量计算嵌段共聚物胶束超强分凝形式的理论模型。
Our main effort is on the investigation of the hydrolysis process, including the non-ionic surfactant Pluronic 123 block copolymer ( P123) in micelle concentration of their colloidal size and the size in reaction system as well as the affection on structure of mesoporous alumina properties. 主要探讨了水解过程中,非离子表面活性剂Pluronic123嵌段共聚物(P123)的浓度变化对其形成胶束大小和反应体系胶体大小的影响,以及最终对介孔氧化铝结构性能的影响。
The morphologies of copolymer c-PEO-g-PS in water were observed and the diameter of spheric micelle was about 200 nm. 并对该共聚物在水中形成的胶束,用透射电镜进行形态的观测,所形成球形的胶束粒径在200nm左右。